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Let’s chat.

Parish Contacts

Chairman: Rob White - email:

Clerk: Sharon Raggett - 01364 654607

Playing Field Committee - Chairman: Rob White 01364 654607

County Councillor: Stuart Barker - email:

Teignbridge Councillors: Mrs. Mary Colclough - 01626 367176, Denis Smith - 01803 812653

Local MP: Anne Marie Morris MP - 01626 368277, email:

Church Of St Mary The Virgin - Rector: 01803 813847

Church Wardens: Mick Sutherland Cook - 01803 813871 and Steve Bassett - 01803 812537

Church Cottage - Bookings and Enquires: Frances Howells - 01803 812971

Clubs, Groups & Organisations

Archive Group - Secretary: Jean Duggan - 01803 813108.

Bellringers & Handbell Ringers - Thurs 7:30-9 pm
Captain: Steve Bassett - 01803 812537

Bible Group: Diana Thomas 01803 812467

Coffee Drinkers: Thursdays 11 am – noon - Mary Head - 01803 812092

Brownies: Glynis Coyle - 01803 873534
Cubs: 8 to 10 years - Fridays 7 - 9 pm Bridget Hedge - 01626 360654
Scouts: Jim Mortiboy - 01803 812171

Darts: Tuesdays 8:30 pm (winter): Union Inn 01803 812595,

Denbury and Torbryan Allotments Association: Chairman: Rob Haydon -

Denbury County Primary School: Head Teacher: Jamie Stone - 01803 812583

Denbury Devils Ladies Netball Team: Sally Roberts - 01803 813743

Denbury Diary: Louise Beams - 01803 814031,

Denbury Feoffees: Thurston Head - 01803 812092

Denbury Multicourt: Rob White - 01803 813598

Denbury School PTA: Jamie Stone Headmaster - 01803 812583

Flower and Produce Show: Secretary: Viv Allen - 01803 814367

Folk Singing: Thursdays 9:00pm at the Union Inn: Vic 01803 812535

Gardening Club: First Thursday 7:30 pm: Chair - Mary Griffin - 01803 814181

May Fayre Team: Emma Twamley - 07793 864183, email

Neighbourhood Watch: Coordinator: Jim Peck - 01803 813652

New Parish Hall Committee: Acting Chairman: Paul Austin - 01803 813454

POLICE: Emergency: 999, Non emergency: 101 or 18001 101 if deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired

Premet: Medicines from Ipplepen Clinic - Coordinator: Pam Howe - 01803 812245

Ramblers: Third Sunday of the month: Kaaren Lambert - 01803 812156

Ring and Ride: Thursday Mornings: 01626 334428

Stitchers: Jean Duggan 01803 813108

Table Tennis: Wednesdays 7 - 9 pm: Patrick Darch - 01803 812412

Village Hall Management Committee: Chair: Clare Head - 01803 813149

Village Hall Bookings: Claire Pead - 01803 812341